Dinakdakan is a term used by Ilocano's as name for this grilled pork recipe. It is a well known recipe in all Ilocano town in the Philippines and has been adapted by other regions because of its delightful taste and easy preparation. We have different ways of preparing Dinakdakan these days, as many make innovative twist on its taste and preparation.
Here are the ingredients you would be needing to cook Dinakdakan, the following needs to be grilled:
Pork's ear (known to be crunchy and chewy)
Pork's nape
Pork's tongue
Pork's liver
Pork's intestine (optional grilled or boiled)
For the seasoning, you would be needing:
Either Lemon, Kalamansi, Lime or Vinegar
Chopped onions
Chopped chilli
Chopped green onion
Pork's brain (boiled)
Mayonaise (optional)
1. Grill all the pork parts and boil the pork brain
2. Slice the grilled pork into small desired sizes
3. In a bowl, mix the sliced grilled pork with the boiled pork brain and the rest of the seasoning
4. Balance the seasoning by adding salt and pepper
5. You can mix the mayonaise if the pork brain is not enough but this is optional. You may
or may not use it depending on your style.
6. Best serve with rice.
- In order to enjoy this recipe, it is better to choose pork parts that has less fat on it.
- It also goes together with beer or any alcohol drink
You can try it yourself and you will surely like it. Enjoy!
I really miss home as well as the Filipino foods. Dinakdakan is my favorite especially when there's bottle of beers with friends.